Thursday, January 22, 2009


Welcome to the 19th North Star Communicating Salon, the first one in 2009!

Topic: An Overview of Current Financial Crisis

Abstract: The seminar basically presents an overview of the global financial crisis and its associated economic impacts. First I show you the possible causes that have led to the financial crisis with an emphasis on the sub-prime mortgage market. The following looks at the direct consequences and economic impacts related to it. The last discusses the actions and possible solutions that have been taken (or can be taken) to minimize the impacts and to rebuild the economy locally and globally. The seminar is informative, not research-originated, and based on reviews.


Dr. Yajie Liu

Postdoc, Department of Economics, NTNU
PhD, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Research Interests: Resource and Environmental Economics and Management.

Time: 2009-01-28, Wednesday, 17:00
Place: B1, Materialtechnologi Building, Gløshaugen

To Share, To Learn, To Win
North Star Communicating Salon

Wednesday, January 14, 2009



“北极星交流沙龙” 陪伴我们走过了2008年,给我们带来了十八期精彩的讲座,内容涵盖了自然科学、工程、生物、通讯、生活、科研、职场、管理、摄影以及科研体验等方面的内容。在这个自由交流的平台上,我们一起分享知识,交流心得,既丰富了我们的业余生活,也扩展了我们的视野。在这个自由翱翔的空间里,我们用心为彼此点亮这个世界上“最黑暗的角落里”的星空。“北极星”为我们指点方向,也温暖了我们的心。


展望2009, 我们有太多的理由说:来吧,朋友,让我们一起呵护我们的“北极星”!


第一期: 张志良 教授

Topic: Life in Norway

Abstract: In this short talk the speaker intends to share his analysis, understandings as well as some personal views about living in Norway together with the Chinese students and professionals in Trondheim. In a few cases analogy to the behavior of Chinese society and culture will be made. It is hoped that such open discussions could be beneficial to both the visitors and the established ones who are attempting to penetrate the ever-ending culture barriers and avoid unnecessary and meaningless conflicts.

第二期: 王生铁 教授

Topic: Wind power in China

Abstract: “由于公众环境意识增强及政府对CO2排放普遍重视,再加上技术进步使风力发电成本明显下降,世界范围内风力发电在过去10年间以平均增长率为30%的速度发展。报告主要介绍中国风力发电的现状及发展规划,包括中国电力结构、风能资源、风电装机容量、风机制造业、风电政策及风力发电发展规划。”

第三期:郭峰玮 博士

Topic: Bohai sea to Barents sea- my experience on ice load
Abstract: 以报告人的研究历程为主线,介绍渤海油气开发遇到的冰荷载问题,研究进展和结论。同时,报告人将对比介绍挪威、加拿大和俄罗斯等国极区海上油气开发面临的挑战。结合课题组最新切入的深海铺管力学分析项目,报告者与大家分享在此领域的研究心得。

第四期:李大勇 教授



第五期:高震 博士

Topic: 船舶与海洋结构物中心的研究工作

Abstract:随着海洋运输中快速与大型船舶的使用以及石油与天然气的勘探与开发不断向深水发展,新型船舶与海洋平台面临许多传统设计方法没有考虑的新问题,使得这些结构物的设计必须建立在直接计算的原则上,同时考虑非线性水动力载荷与以及引起的结构响应。本次报告围绕CeSOS, NTNU在这些方面的研究工作,介绍海洋工程研究的主要内容与方向。CeSOS通过理论与实验方法对基本问题作研究,包括物体出水入水、甲板上浪、流体晃荡等水动力学问题,海洋结构物在波浪中的非线性运动响应问题以及相应的极值与疲劳等结构分析,船舶在恶劣海况下的控制与操纵问题,细长结构物在水流作用下的涡激振动等。CeSOS的研究领域也涵盖未来海洋结构物,如海上水产养殖基地、海上波浪能与风能发电站、超大型浮体结构物等。

第六期:蒋宇明 教授

Topic: On Research

Abstract: In this short talk, some findings on “RESEARCH” will be shared, which hopefully will be helpful in providing a better understanding of RESEARCH.

第七期:陈德 教授

Topic: Applications of carbon nanotubes and nanofiber

Abstract: Applications of carbon nanotubes and nanofiber in new and renewable energy such as fuel cells, batteries, supercapacitors and solar cells, in biotechnology, in sensor as well as composites for multifunctional materials such as polymer and metal composites will be reviewed. A multidisciplinary approach to combine knowledge and competences from different fields will be addressed. Recent developments on commercialization of nanocarbon materials as well as developments on new and renewable energy in Norway will be briefly introduced.





* 地震的机制原理及危害
* 川西及全国板块构造简介
* 地震预测及逃生技巧
* 紫坪铺水利水电工程


Topic: Corporate educational property and its application

Abstract:Enterprise is a special material in modern society. Making Investment in education related field is the special character of them except for its traditional mission of profit-making, and should be studied and utilized for societal and corporate development. The German Dual system and Toyota’s T-TEP project will be taken as two main cases for brief explanation. From the perspective of resource development, the knowledge flow of Chinese scholars at NTNU will proposed for the possible discussions among friends audience.

第十一期:刘满平 博士

Topic: Bulk nanostructured materials from severe plastic deformation

Abstract: Techniques and applications of bulk nanostructured materials produced by severe plastic deformation will be reviewed, with emphasis on recent achievements in structural features such as deformation twinning, stacking faults, non-equilibrium grain boundaries and other nanostructures as well as their interactions with dislocations and possible effects on the deformation mechanism.


Topic: Applications of Nanoparticulate Materials in Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine: A Few Simple Examples

Abstract: 简单介绍纳米粒子材料的水相溶胶-凝胶合成,着重阐述水相制备的纳米粒子材料在化学,生物以及医学特别是在生物医学成像造影剂方面的应用。

第十三期:叶乃全 博士

Topic: 生活在特隆赫姆这样的“乡村”

Abstract: 通过在特隆赫姆10年的经历与大家交流这里的方方面面:特隆赫姆历史、文化、地理特征、城市特点以及个人所了解的这个城市的人情世故;在这里学习工作与国内的异同;如何愉快地适应这里的生活及其它大家关心的方面。愿你在特隆赫姆的经历,无论长短,成为你一生美好的祝福。


Topic: 天然气发展概况的探讨

Abstract: 能源是人类生存和发展的重要物质基础,也是当今国际政治、经济、军事、外交关注点。在当今一次能源消耗中,天然气所占比重达21%。据预测,天然气将在2015年超过煤炭,成为仅次于石油的第二大能源。挪威作为世界上主要天然气出口国之一,其持续性发展状况如何?环境污染已经对中国工业的发展提出了挑战,天然气作为清洁的石化能源,将在中国的发展中扮演什么样的角色?张隆满将与大家一起探讨天然气当今发展状况。


Topic: UBiT, Bibsys and the other database

Abstract: 1. The history of UBiT;2. Branch libraries of UBiT and their roles;3. Norwegian Library system: bibsys and other database;4. Practical uses of bibsys and other databases; 5. Prospective of UBiT.

第十六期:赵新成 博士

Topic:昆虫嗅觉及给人的启发 PPT

Abstract: 自然界数量最大、种类最多、分布最广的是昆虫,同人类既竞争又合作最亲密的也是昆虫,那么与人类堪称世界双雄的昆虫是如何实现生存、繁衍的,比如蚂蚁如何识途、蜜蜂如何找蜜、蝴蝶怎么谈恋爱、蚊子为什么喜欢你?昆虫嗅觉,即昆虫的一种化学感觉,起到了至关重要的作用。本报告主要介绍昆虫嗅觉的作用机制及给人类的启发。



Abstract: 数码相机的普及让普通人都有成为创造艺术的摄影师的可能,但同时由于数码相机廉价的拍摄成本使得我们通常在拍摄时不加思索的就按下快门,拍摄下一些并不具有很好价值的照片,也许你会在不久以后毫不犹豫的删除掉。当然这并不是反对就不能拍类似于“到此一游”,不过了解一些摄影的基本知识,也许会让你的照片更有意义,留下更美好的回忆。



Abstract: 上世纪90年代后,通信技术迅速发展,特别是移动通信业务的普及,极大的方便了人们的沟通。那么作为这一切成为可能的基础,无线通信技术成为现在研究的热门领域。本篇讲座将为大家简要的介绍几种无线通信技术,以及他们的基本原理,应用,使大家对这个领域有所了解。我会尽量使用简单平直的语言来讲解,不需要有专业背景知识即可听懂,欢迎大家来座座。